by Victoria Beltran June 08, 2022

Is the thought of doing daily squats enough to send you running back to your bed?

If yes, you are far from alone.

As one of the least-loved exercise moves, squats can be hard work, time-consuming, and . . . the burn . . . oh the burn!

That being said, if you want a booty that Beyonce would be proud of or legs that rival a professional cyclist, then squats need to become a regular fixture in your workout regime.

New to squats?

Don’t worry. The below guide will tell you everything you need to know about the art of squatting, including how to get the correct form and why you should be doing squats in the first place.

Plus, discover the bestsquat proof activewear that guarantees to make you look and feel good wherever you choose to squat.

What is the “squat”?

A squat is a lower body exercise that predominantly targets the thighs and glutes. There are many different variations of the squat depending on your fitness levels and the results that you want to achieve.

When done correctly, squats can strengthen your legs and glutes, improve your lower body mobility and keep your joints and bones healthy. However, incorrect squatting, which is incredibly common, can put additional stress on your ligaments and joints and increase your risk of injury.

How to do squats properly

  1. Assume the squat stance

The first step in doing the perfect squat is to get into the right position. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and turn them out between 5 and 30 degrees rather than pointing straight ahead.

  1. Push your feet into the ground

If you want to really engage your muscles, then you need to create stability with the ground by pushing your feet downwards. This will also prevent your arches from collapsing and offer better support for your knees.

  1. Keep your chest up

While you may think that squats are all about the lower body, you need to also pay attention to your upper body if you want to get maximum results from squatting. By keeping your chest up, you can support your shoulders and upper back and prevent rounding from occurring.

  1. Engage your core

Rather than rushing the squat, you need to take a moment to engage your core and get it ready for the move ahead. Then lower yourself slowly down as this will increase the tension in your muscle and result in the ultimate burn.

  1. Stop when you reach parallel

Although there is much debate about how low you should go, for a standard squat, you should stop when the backs of your thighs are parallel to the floor.

If you struggle to get this low, either due to an injury or mobility issue, then simply go as low as you feel comfortable with.

  1. Drive through your heels

As you stand, make sure that your feet stay firmly planted on the floor and try to drive your heels into the ground. Again, this helps to keep your body supported and makes sure that you fire up your hamstrings and glutes.

You should also exhale on your way back up. Do not hold your breath – it won’t help!

  1. Tuck in your pelvis

To finish your squat, tuck your pelvis into a neutral position rather than pushing your hips too far forwards, which can cause stress on your back.

What to wear to squat?

While you may not think it is important, what you choose to wear while you squat can affect your overall performance. Ideally, you should look forsquat proof leggings that offer the support your body needs without lifting up or becoming uncomfortable during the move.

You may have seen the so-called “ticktokleggings” that promise to make you look like Kim Kardashian whatever your shape, but many of these garments are designed only to look good, not to aid your workout.

Instead, look forseamless leggings that are made of sweat-wicking and non-stretch fabrics, as these will keep you cool and go the distance.

Common squatting mistakes

There are many tell-tale signs that you are not doing your squats correctly, including sore knees, lower back, and quads. If you are worried that you may be getting your squatting stance wrong, then maybe you are guilty of one of the below common squatting mistakes:

  • Skipping the warm-up. If you want to perform at your best, you need to first raise your body temperature and heart rate and activate your key muscle groups. 
  • Beginning the movement from the knee. You need to begin squatting from the hip rather than the knee; otherwise, you risk an injury.
  • Knees crossing your toes. Your knees should always be behind your toes when you are squatting; otherwise, you could injure your knees or spine.
  • Having a posterior tilt. Commonly referred to as “butt wink”, having a posterior tilt can cause damage to the spin.
  • Holding your breath. You should never hold your breath when you are squatting; instead, inhale on the way down and exhale on the way up.

Good luck and happy squatting in our squat-proof athletic apparel and yoga leggings!